Are You Ready To Choose Calm Over Chaos?

I help overwhelmed people declutter their lives to create more space, time, energy and freedom, so they can focus on what’s important to them. Welcome!

My Mission is to Help You Become More Time and Energy Rich!

Hey! I am Hayley, mother, wife, entrepreneur and Declutter Coach dedicated to helping you on your journey to living a simple life through the power of decluttering!
Not so long ago I was in your shoes, dragging myself through life and searching for the light, feeling so overwhelmed with even the simplest of tasks.

That is when I started decluttering my life and knew I needed to share this life changing method with others. I created the Intentional Lifestyle Detox and Simple Joy was born!


You want to make change but where do you start?

That’s where my 7 Step Freedom Framework comes in - Focus, Reframe, Establish Action Plan, Eliminate, Design, Organise, Maintain.

It’s my tried and tested system that I walk all my clients through so they can achieve….

How I can help you


Visit our Academy to discover what self study courses and live workshops we offer, ranging from home decluttering & organisation to day to day self management and intention setting!


Visit our shop to find our downloadable journals and planners we have created to make your home and life much easier to manage, including finance trackers, goal setting, decluttering checklists and productivity planners to name a few!

FREE Resources

Check out our range pf free resources available to you, including downloadable workbooks, a huge collection of blog posts and even our new podcast! So much free content to get your teeth stuck into to get started on your decluttering journey.

Let your children see you slow down. Read a book, take a walk in the woods, sip coffee in the early hours of the morning. Because they'll grow up knowing how to slow down, too.

-Angela Agnost-Repke


Want to know how I can support you on your decluttering journey?

© Copyright 2023 Simple Joy